
Event Description

In this area



19:30 - 22:00


"Februarium really was the greatest holiday ever invented by drunken college kids, ever." - Arlo Hart, Music Director, Februarium the Musical, 2011-2013


Come see the international sensation! There's chills, thrills, spills,accordion music, biscuits and beer -- and a special appearance from the one and only Dr. Februar! Also featuring the dastardly Spirit of Serious Alcohol Abuse and that nefarious Imp of Poor Impulse Control! Oohh, how evil they are!!


Come gaze into the GRANDIOSE ZIGGURAT OF CHOICES!! Choose and choose well -- for your FEBWORTHINESS is at stake!! 


*This event is being filmed for use in the film Februarium by MA Animation student John Summerson. If you would prefer to not have your image in the film, but , please contact John at on on WhatsApp at +1 509 432 6844.