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Support for those affected by the Covid-19 crisis in India

Please feel free to contact us

As India faces a second wave of Covid-19, all at the RCA and RCASU wish to express our solidarity with, and support for, our Indian students and staff and all of those affected.

If you need support or are emotionally impacted by the situation, please remember that help is available.

Students can access support by:

  • Contacting RCA’s Student Support Team and resources through Moodle and/or attend a virtual drop-in session on Mondays from 10 am-12 pm, Wednesdays from 3.30 pm-5.30 pm and Fridays from 1 pm-3 pm.

  • Accessing TogetherAll, an online service operating worldwide, which is there to help support your mental health, 24h a day. To join, simply go to their website and sign up under ‘organisation’ with your College email address.

  • Reaching out to us RCA Student's Union - Email us

  • If your studies have been affected, please contact your Head of Programme to discuss submitting Extenuating Circumstances and find out if there’s any additional ways in which RCA can support you.