Student Voice

Sabbatical Officers

Your officers lead RCASU, campaign for your rights, lobby the RCA to make effective change, host a number of events for education or entertainment, and much more!

In this area

Every year you get the chance to elect two sabbatical officers (paid) that champion the needs of students at RCASU.

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A photograph of Kimberley stood in front of the Royal Albert Hall

Kimberley Burrows


What I studied

I graduated from the MA in Painting in 2023. I was awarded the Tony Snowdon Scholarship by the Snowdon Trust. During my year of study, I developed an interdisciplinary and experimental practice informed by my sight loss, exploring muscle memory, spatial awareness and touch to create engaging outcomes in abstract painting, printmaking, sculpture, film and poetry. In building the dimensions and surface qualities of my canvases and sculptures, and storytelling in film and poetry, I sought to capture the multifaceted tapestry of grief and loss, central themes underpinning my practice. I explored how accessible art galleries and museum spaces were in London, and beyond, to carefully curate and facilitate an inclusive and immersive environment in my degree show. I provided easy access to information in alternative formats (audio, large print and Braille), paired with delicate lighting, to support a diverse range of visitors.

How I've been involved with RCASU

I was the Equality and Diversity (EDI) Rep for MA1 Painting, attending regular meetings and assemblies to provide feedback from my program. I drew from my experiences as a blind student navigating the campus, program and services, as well as advocating on behalf of other disabled students in my network. I was an active member of the Disabled Students’ Network, Working Class Collective, Neurodivergent Society and Feminist Society, participating in regular meetings and social events.

What I'm looking to achieve this year

I am fully committed to spotlighting and strengthening accessibility across the campus, services and programs - from wayfinding and signage, to staff awareness and training, and beyond, to foster an inclusive and empowering environment for students and staff with disabilities. I wish to support parents and caregivers during their study by exploring potential collaborative opportunities and workshops. Disability History Month and Mental Health Awareness Week will be bigger and better than ever and may include some Labrador-able four-legged visitors this year! I’m here to fully support students in the next academic year and to ensure equal opportunities for all.

A photograph of Thomas stood in front of the Royal Albert Hall

Thomas Cury


What I studied

I graduated from the MA in Curating Contemporary Art in 2023. My dissertation focused on investigating strategies to decolonise the museum, through an analysis of the São Paulo Museum of Art’s exhibition-making, governance and institutional structure. My Graduate Project, developed in collaboration with my peers, was a curatorial project presenting a new body of work created by Irish artist Christopher Steenson for Flat Time House; the former studio-home of late British conceptual artist John Latham. Using sound, video, and transmission-based methodologies, Breath Variations explored the materiality of time – its permanence and evanescence – and the power that attention has over its transmission and state of matter.

How I've been involved with RCASU

I was the Student Representative for the 2-year MA Curating Contemporary Art course in 2022/23. Through this experience, I advocated on behalf of my fellow students on issues such as career opportunities, space availability and course organisation/communication. I have also enjoyed attending SU-related events such as those run by the wonderful Queer Soc!

What I'm looking to achieve this year

This year I am determined to further open up the Student Union as a participatory and democratic space, where students can come together to discuss issues and come up with ideas on how to address matters that are important to us. Furthermore, I hope to build collective power by strengthening bonds with student and staff unions across the country, so that we can fight for a fairer higher education system for all. More locally, I want to continue to advocate on behalf of students in the planning of degree shows and convocations, as well as ensuring fair access to campus facilities.