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Equality & Diversity Survey

Please take 5 mins to give your feedback...



The Students’ Union is committed to holding the RCA accountable and lobbying for a more diverse and inclusive learning environment for everyone at the RCA. We want the work we do to be constantly guided and shaped by students from liberation groups*. We’ve created this survey for two main reasons:

  1. We are looking to acquire a mix of qualitative and quantitative data in order to build up a picture of liberation groups* at RCA.
  2. We want to formulate an action plan that best serves the needs of students from marginalised communities.

Please fill out the survey!

Your answers are anonymous and it only takes 5 minutes, so if you feel you have the capacity, please fill out what you can. We want to hear from you!

*liberation groups i.e Women, LGBTQIA, POC, Working Class and/or Disabled. This list is not exhaustive. In using this term we seek to capture those who may experience marginalisation due to their identity/background.

Please contact Halimo if you have any questions.