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The Pluralist open call

Listen to the sound of the Earth...


The Pluralist is looking for submissions!

Listen to the sound of the Earth spinning. - Yoko Ono
Sound is personal, sound is public. It sometimes hides in the smallest corners of our rooms, and other times it echoes the entire city. Sound has temporality; a sequence of intervals is determined by the transition from noise to silence to noise. Sound captures movement and preserves instances. Now it’s spring, nature is blooming, restrictions are lifted and the world starts to feel kinetic again. And what better medium to illustrate the regeneration of our social dynamics than sound? Isolation altered soundscapes: while streets were quiet, noise moved indoors, always tracing human activity. After a year of social distancing, how does the sonic landscape look like? Will soundscapes ever be the same as before?
We invite you to contemplate on sounds, on your sounds. Do you have a favourite sound? Is there anything specifically sonic about the place you are in now? Would you change your soundscape?
We are looking for pieces that would fit the newspaper format (texts and visual materials) that reflect on sounds. Suggestions: visual scores, instructions, concrete poetry, sonic symbols, graphic notations, phonetic translations, critical texts and essays that tackle this theme. If you want to submit sounds, please make sure you include a textual or visual component to your entry.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Deadline: Friday, May 14th.