

We aim to be a safe space where we can gather, discuss and peacefully release with one another. This is both a physical and online space for black, brown & global majority LGBTQIA+ RCA students.

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About QueerBB

The society aims to be a safe space where we can gather, discuss and peacefully release with one another.

Our mission is to work towards dismantling the structural barriers that prevent the full participation of black, brown and global majority LGBTQIA+ RCA students.

Our lives are both political and politicised. So, queer bb engages in both radical rest and action.

Although, our keenest desire is to engage in rest and solidarity with fellow queer and marginalised folks. We want to encourage communal comfort with like-minded peers and address inequities. Through raising historical and cultural awareness around lived experiences of race, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, citizenship status, colonialism etc. We appreciate the intersections of these realities and affirm radical politics that denounce white, supremacist, capitalist patriarchy.

We believe in Land Back, the abolishment of incarceration and its associated jurisprudence (acab), a free Palestine, and the truth that we are not living in a post-colonial world, but rather a neo-colonial travesty.

We stand against all forms of oppression, including but not limited to: Zionism, capitalism, Hindutva, and the Rwanda scheme.

We stand against pink-washing.

Here at queer bb, we do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying over sexual identity, disability, race, gender identity, or any other protected characteristic.

Our code of conduct applies to all members and visitors that commune within queer bb.

Those in violation will be held accountable, addressed and sanctioned if warranted by the queer bb committee. We aim to actively disengage and educate ourselves and the wider community on issues/ structures and ideals that harm queer and marginalised folks.



The following resources were used in part for guidance over writing this statement.


The Combahee River Collective Statement;


bbq+, The centre for black, brown and queer studies;